Vedic Astrology , Astrology, Astrology sign

Vedic Astrology

 Vedic astrology is the study of divine information about human affairs and earthly events and the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies. Vedic astrology dates back at least to the second millennium and its origins lie in calendar systems, which are used to predict seasonal changes and to interpret the celestial cycle as a symbol of divine communication.

Vedic Astrology of Hindu
Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology refers to Indian or Hindu astrology, which originated in ancient India and has been recorded in the Vedic texts. Also known as "astrology" - optics - Vedic astrology deals with subtle light patterns that we think determine our destiny.

Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology

The basic premise of this astrology is that all things are connected. Your ritual or destiny is determined by a predetermined cosmic design. You are the soul embodied in the body at a certain time and place, and your life is more of a reflection of the whole of which you were born, as flowers bloom at times when all conditions are perfectly natural. According to the karmic principle, our birth on this planet is the same.

Vedic Astrology Chart

Vedic astrology chart

By reading Heaven's chart for the time and place of your birth, Vedic astrologers claim to know a lot about you. Planetary position is taken in a real star-based zodiac and your "phase" (predictive) is set. Your Vedic astrology chart will reflect most of your real life and your circumstances will work just as they should. The Vedic astrologer looks at these planets, signs and places in your chart and can "see" your personality as well as the good and bad times in your life. The use of circumstance determines when "when" events occur in life. In  vedic astrology, the main factor is your chart. This is a planetary map of the zodiac signs. The charts are placed in a precise location on the earth based on the exact moment. Therefore, the moment you were born and where you were born, there is a chart called your "birth chart" or "natal chart".

Importance of Vedic Astrology

Dasha gives more precise accuracy to Vedic astrology. These "planetary regimes" that are unique to this system provide a tool for Vedic astrologers to accurately predict trends, changes and events in your life with surprising accuracy. Therefore, Vedic astrologers are less limited to talk about your common lineage and can think more deeply about what is going on in your life.

How is Vedic Astrology different from Western Astrology?

Vedic astrology differs mainly from Western or tropical astrology in that it uses a fixed zodiac as opposed to a moving zodiac. Because of the Earth's gradual inclination on its axis, the zodiac, if you calculate it from Earth's relationship with the Sun, appears to be moving at a slower rate than 1/60 degrees per year. Currently, the relative or moving zodiac is 23 degrees away from the stationary or actual star-based zodiac (which is from the alignment), which is an almost complete sign of the zodiac. Because the two systems are skewed by virtually the entire sign of each other, most people have a "sun mark" —a sign you redefine every day, usually when used to chart Vedic astrology. So, the first surprise of using the Vedic system is that you are no longer associated with the Sun sign you thought. However, if you were born in the last five days of the Western Sign month, you are probably the same sign in the Vedic system.

Vedic Astrology Horoscope - Zodiac Signs

Vedic Astrology Signs
Vedic Astrology signs

1. Aries or Mesh in Vedic Astrology

Aries in Vedic Astrology
Aries in Vedic Astrology

Aries or mesh
is the first sign of the zodiac. It is represented by a Rama. The sign of Aries is represented by the horns of Rama. In heaven, it starts from 0 degrees and extends to 29 degrees. According to the tropical zodiac, the sun is in Aries from April 14 to May 14, followed by Vedic astrologers and Western astrologers from March 21 to April 20. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

2. Taurus or Vrishabh in Vedic Astrology

Taurus in Vedic Astrology
Taurus in Vedic Astrology

Taurus or Vrishabh
is the second sign of the Zodiac. It is represented by a Bull. The symbol of Taurus is indicated by a head and horns of bull. In the heavens, it starts from 30 degrees and extends up to 59 degrees. The Sun stays in Taurus from 15 May to 14 June as per sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 21 April to 21 May as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and exit dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign does vary by one day during few years.

3. Gemini or Mithun in Vedic Astrology

Gemini In vedic Astrology
Gemini in Vedic Astrology

The third sign of the zodiac is the Gemini(Mithun). It is represented by two children. The symbol of the Gemini is represented by two vertical and horizontal lines indicating duality. In heaven, it starts at 60 degrees and extends to 89 degrees. From June 15 to July 15, the Sun will be in the Gemini Zodiac, followed by the Vedic astrologers and Western astrologers from May 22 to June 21, according to the Tropic Zodiac. The day in which the sun enters and exits for a particular zodiac varies from one day to a few years.

4. Cancer or Karka in Vedic Astrology

Cancer in Vedic Astrology
Cancer in Vedic Astrology

Cancer or karkat is the fourth sign of the zodiac. It is represented by a crab. Cancer refers to the breasts. In heaven, it starts at 90 degrees and extends to 119 degrees. According to the Cancer Zodiac, the Sun is from June 16 to August 16, followed by the Vedic Astrologers and Western Astrologers from June 22 to July 22, according to the tropical zodiac. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

5. Leo or Simha in Vedic Astrology

Leo in vedic Astrology
Leo in Vedic Astrology

Leo or simha is the fifth sign of the zodiac. It is represented by the lion's head. In heaven, it starts at 120 degrees and extends to 149 degrees. The Sun retreats in the Leo zodiac from August 17 to September 16, followed by the Vedic astrologers according to the Western astrologers and the tropical zodiac from July 23rd to August 23rd. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

6. Virgo or Kanya in Vedic Astrology

Virgo in Vedic Astrology
Virgo in Vedic Astrology
The sixth zodiac of the Virgo or kanya Zodiac. It is represented by Virgin. The symbol of the virgin is represented by the sexual organs of the woman. In heaven, it starts at 150 degrees and extends to 179 degrees. According to Western astrologers, the Sun retreats in Virgo from September 17 to October 16, followed by the Vedic astrologers and the tropical zodiac from August 23 to September 22. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

7. Libra or Tula in Vedic Astrology

Libra in Vedic Astrology
Libra in Vedic Astrology
Libra or Tula is the seventh sign of the zodiac. This is represented by a pair of scales. The sign of Libra is at the sun's half horizon. In heaven, it starts at 180 degrees and extends to 209 degrees. From September 17 to November 15, the Sun is in the Libra Zodiac, which is celebrated by the Vedic astrologers and later by the Western astrologers according to the Tropic Zodiac from September 23 to October 22. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

8. Scorpio or Vrischika in Vedic Astrology

Scorpio in Vedic Astrology
Scorpio in Vedic Astrology
Scorpio or Vrischika is the eighth sign of the zodiac. This is indicated by the scorpion. The symbol of Scorpio is represented by the male sexual parts. In heaven, it starts at 210 degrees and extends to 239 degrees. The Sun is in the Scorpio Zodiac from October 16th to December 15th, followed by Vedic astrologers and Western astrologers from October 23rd to November 22nd according to the tropical zodiac. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

9. Sagittarius or Dhanus in Vedic Astrology

Sagittarius in Vedic Astrology
Sagittarius in Vedic Astrology
Sagittarius (dhanu) is the ninth sign. It is represented by the figures of half horse and half man. The sign of Sagittarius is indicated by the arrow. In heaven, it starts at 240 degrees and extends to 269 degrees. According to the Tropic Zodiac, the Sun will be in the Sagittarius from December 16 to January 13, followed by Vedic astrologers, and Western astrologers from November 22 to December 21. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

10. Capricorn or Makara in Vedic Astrology

Capricorn in Vedic Astrology
Capricorn in Vedic Astrology

Capricorn(makara) is the tenth sign of the zodiac. It is represented by a sea goat. The symbol of Capricorn is represented by a goat with a twisted horn. In heaven, it starts at 270 degrees and extends to 299 degrees. According to the Tropic Zodiac, the Sun will be in Capricorn from January 14 to February 12, followed by Vedic astrologers, and Western astrologers from December 22 to January 20. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

11. Aquarius or Kumbha in Vedic Astrology
Aquarius in Vedic Astrology
Aquarius in Vedic Astrology

Aquarius(kumbha) is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. It is represented by water bearers. The sign of Aquarius is represented by water waves. In heaven, it starts at 300 degrees and extends to 329 degrees. The Sun is in Aquarius from February 13 to March 14, followed by the Vedic astrologers and the Western astrologers from January 21 to February 19, according to the Tropic Zodiac. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

12. Pisces or Meena in Vedic Astrology
Pisces in Vedic Astrology
Pisces in Vedic Astrology
Pisces or Meena is the twelfth sign of the zodiac. This is a sign of a pair of fish swimming in opposite directions. The Pisces zodiac sign is accompanied by two fish. In heaven, it starts at 330 degrees and extends to 359 degrees. According to the tropical zodiac, the Sun Pisces zodiac is from March 15 to April 13, followed by Vedic astrologers and Western astrologers from February 20 to March 20. The date of entering and exiting the sun for a particular zodiac varies from a day in a few years.

Final Thoughts On Vedic Astrology

Many practitioners believe that Vedic astrology is a great source of deep knowledge and actually provides practical ways to understand and predict life events.
